Getting Ready for the Super Bowl party?

Throwing a Super Bowl party and don’t have enough time to properly clean or hire someone to do it for you? With the Super Bowl happening tomorrow, you can only spend so much time planning a party, gathering food and cleaning. Most of the time, cleaning gets put at the end of your to do list. If you have a lot of friends coming by, you may want to make sure your place is looking nice and tidy so your guests can enjoy the game comfortably. Don’t worry, here are four quick super bowl cleaning tips to help make your place look cleaner even on limited time….You know, fake it till you make it!

·         Focus only on areas your guests will see (the foyer, media room, guest bathroom, etc.).

·         Give the room a decluttered look by placing magazines, cords and other items in stylish trays and storage bins.

·         Wipe down all surfaces.  

·         Carry a laundry basket to pick up displaced items while doing a quick sweep in each room.

Once the party is over, you will actually have to clean up your hidden mess, so why not HIRE US? If your team happens to end the game on the losing side, it will also make cleaning a lot less painful. Hopefully these tips help you prepare for the big game. Let us know what you think of these tips! 
